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Aug 21

1 min read




Have you ever made some site updates that you were really excited about only to see your revenue and conversion rate immediately drop the next day? Every experienced eCom person knows this pain.

There's a consistent trend we've noticed with the best Shopify store managers; they don't impose their assumptions onto customers, they test everything when feasible. Here is a short list of site changes/optimizations that you should always A/B:

▪Site Merchandising (sorting rules, pinned products, personalization etc.)

▪Content blocks

▪Page titles, site text and product messaging

▪Site navigation menu changes

▪PDP changes

▪Cart slider changes

▪Add to Cart button design

▪Product pricing

There are many tools available to help you run effective A/B tests for different site changes. We built to streamline your process of finding the most optimal site merchandising, capturing more revenue and achieving higher conversion rates from every visitor to your Shopify store. Naturally, we had to make A/B testing an integral part of our platform.


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Satisfied with your current merchandising tool?

A/B test it against Frenzy AI and evaluate store performance with a 30-day trial.

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