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57% of Online Shoppers Don’t Scroll Past the First Few Rows of Product Results

2 days ago

2 min read




Attention spans are shorter than ever. Research shows that 57% of customers don’t scroll beyond the first few rows of products when shopping online, spending most of their time looking at what’s immediately visible​ (reference: ThreeDigital). This behavior highlights a major issue for Shopify store managers: If the product most likely to convert for a specific visitor is hidden further down the page, they may never see it, and you've likely lost a sale.

Let’s take a typical scenario. A customer visits a “t-shirt” collection page on a Shopify store. The store offers dozens of options spread across multiple pages. If the ideal t-shirt - offering the right style and price - is buried on page four, the customer may never see it. In a world where time and convenience are key, customers won’t waste time scrolling endlessly - they want the right product right away.

Why Personalization is the Key to Capturing Attention

The beauty of personalization is that it solves the issue of limited attention spans by making sure the right products are seen at the right time. When a site understands a visitor’s unique taste and preferences, it can push the most relevant products to the top of the page, ensuring those items are featured within the prime real estate of those crucial first few rows. By curating a personalized shopping experience, you’re not just showing customers random products - you’re effectively guiding them toward what they’re most likely to buy.

  1. Product Prioritization: AI-driven personalization tools ensure that products most relevant to the customer appear right away. For example, if a customer previously showed interest in eco-friendly t-shirts with a scoop neckline, red color in the $50-$69 range and available in a size M, those t-shirts should appear at the top of their search results. Personalization tools can ensure your site tailors the display based on each user’s unique preferences

  2. Search Optimization: Personalization extends beyond product placement. When customers type in “t-shirt,” personalized search algorithms can anticipate their needs and bring forward relevant products they’re more likely to buy. A search that caters to user preferences not only increases conversion rates but also reduces frustration​ (Reference: Hotjar).

  3. Deeper Engagement Through Dynamic Sorting: Personalized collection pages adjust based on visitor behavior, creating an experience that feels custom-designed. Instead of a one-size-fits-all display, AI tools can reorder product grids dynamically so that each customer sees the most appealing options without having to scroll​.

Conclusion: Why Personalization Matters More Than Ever​

In an online world where customers make split-second decisions, personalization is your best strategy for keeping them engaged and ensuring they don’t leave your store before making a purchase. If you rely on customers to scroll endlessly through dozens of products, you’re missing a huge opportunity. By employing AI and personalization tools, you can optimize product placement and search results to ensure that every visitor sees products tailored to their preferences - right from the start.

2 days ago

2 min read





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